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Creating messages

Message options

The package comes with builtin functions for generating messages. These functions are used to create messages that are either (a) a chatbot response, (b) a user message or (c) a custom message defined by the developer.

Chatbot messages#

Chatbot messages are messages that will be displayed as a response from the chatbot and is typically used as a reaction to user input:

import { createChatBotMessage } from 'react-chatbot-kit';
const message = createChatBotMessage('Hello world!');
const messageWithProperties = createChatBotMessage('Hello world!', {  widget: 'my-widget',  payload: {}, // any value I want to send to the given widget or message  delay: 1000,});

User messages#

User messages are used to force a user response.

import { createClientMessage } from 'react-chatbot-kit';
const message = createClientMessage('Hello world!');

Custom messages#

Custom messages are used to render messages defined by the developer.

import { createCustomMessage } from 'react-chatbot-kit';// 1st. argument is the text value, 2nd. argument is the name of the registered custom message.const message = createCustomMessage('value to input', 'custom');